After 9+ months on this board I’ve finally gone away from the Blue “T” and went with the Led Zeppelin House of the Holy album cover.
Is your world filled with laughter, are you dizzy wen you’re stoned?
I don’t smoke weed anymore!!! But if I did, I’d only be paranoid and anxious, not dizzy. Lol.
You’re next
Yeah, what do you suggest? I don’t know how to do it but if I did it would be the album cover of the Beatles ,“Abbey Road”.
Click on the green 7 on the top right----->preferences----->change profile picture----->upload from computer
make sure you have the image saved first as you need to access it that way.
Nice, but idea is already taken.
I can borrow you some of mine if you like.
Sure, like what?
How do I do that?
Do you have email?
I won’t harass you i promise
Right click on the image and click save-as. I’d recommend saving it to your desktop for easy access.
I love Led Zep - Good choice @turningthepage - I like it