Change my mind

We, mentally ill people, should be banned from having children.
I am the child of mentally ill parents (one is an alcoholic and the other doesn’t want to treat her anxiety) who made my childhood and adolescence hell. I also inherited schizophrenia genes (look up how genes for mental illness are the same for different illnesses) and I don’t want to pass on my genes nor would I want my children to suffer if I had a relapse.
Mentally ill people should extinguish ourselves to leave room for healthy children to be born.


This is what Hitler would say.


The risk is not actually that high, it is like 10% for immediate children. I think you are going to get a lot of people on here angry if you think you can tell them what to do.

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So one of your parents is an alcoholic…the other has anxiety. These aren’t mental illnesses.

Just sayin…

And I’m Sz with 2 lovely, healthy daughters, by the way.


These are indeed mental illnesses as stated in the DSM.

It’s not about the parents, it’s about the children’s integrity.

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Some of the best parents out there end up with kids with sz, I think you are getting confused on how the hereditary thing works. Do you blame your sz on your upbringing, is that the problem?

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Even though they don’t get affected by the illness, rhe grandchilden or greatgrandchildren of the mentally ill can have the illness.

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By the time you have grandchildren the risk goes down to about 5%, by the time they have kids it is back again to around the general population.

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No, I blame it on genetics. It is very likely that I had further ancestora with mental illness and thus have inherited the genes.

This might be true for my genetic line, but if the descendants (grandchildren or children) of schuzophrenics come together, they might have a child with the illness.

Plus, different mental illnesses share the same genes.

Mentally ill people can lead fulfilling lives…some accumulate great wealth…lay down roots…become philanthropists…contribute greatly to society through art/ music and other vocations…etc.

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That doesn’t take the suffering away from them. Te
he point is to reduce sufferinf which mental illnesses cause.

That’s merely speculation @cadevan anyone can get mental illness.

And the cause of mental illness? What is it? Genes.

If you don’t want to have children, that’s one thing.

To not want others to have kids is a bit condescending and presumptuous of you.


It’s for the well-being of the kids. I wouldn’t trust a child with a mentally ill person, nor even myself. What if that person has a relapse or doesn’t want to.take meds?

Everyone in the world can get it though, I don’t think you understand that. It is not always because you have a relative that has it, a lot of people have no history of family mental illness. I don’t think the problem is though that you disagree with having children, by all means go ahead. I think that you say that people should not be allowed to have children is a bit messed up. I mean the last guy to do that was Hitler, and I think the world made it pretty clear what they thought of that. I mean shall we stop there, what about hereditary cancer, or other physical illnesses?

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I think each person should choose for themselves whether or not they have children. You shouldn’t ban having children for mentally ill people. But I do think people should put more thought into the decision and not just pop out babies willy nilly.

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