wats in d centre of d sun?
I hear it’s kind of hot
not cold anyways in fairness lol
luv is d centre of sun
My guru says something like “which do you think is more you, your finger or the sun? If I cut off your finger, could you live without your finger? If I got rid of the sun could you live without the sun? So which is more you?”
It’s made of the same thing as the center of a Tootsie pop.
It’s full of Gs and Hs.
74% hydrogen in atomic fusion forming helium. it goes into atomic fusion due to the pressure. did you know when a meteor falls on the earth it puts so much pressure in carbon it forms diamonds? under pressure, it is a song.
well its really hot!
Yes, but is it as hot as @Jimbob?
Yes, and there’s a man in the moon and the surface of the moon is made of cheese.
Jimbob goes dancing
Across the floor
The crowd calls out
The girls want more!
Helium Core? Hydrogen is fused into Helium, and then heavier elements until a supernova.
One day the Sun will swell into a Red Giant and consume some of the planets (incl Earth) in our solar system.
Which came first, the sun or consciousness? That’s honestly my question at this point. I’m torn between two schools of thought. Maybe @Om_Sadasiva knows what i’m talking about. I mean it’s the ultimate question in spirituality, really. Did the universe give rise to consciousness or did consciousness give rise to the universe?
Who is your guru?
Adyashanti. I need to meet him but he is currently on sabbatical
Shake dat booty @Jimbob
Never heard of him, is he hindu?
He kind of takes teachings from a lot of different spiritualities, but his background is zen buddhism
Uranus is hotter than the centre of the sun