
So just did the 2021 census over here. Wasn’t too painful and was pretty straight forward and answered the questions honestly. I was a bit concerned because it asks if you work and if you don’t if you volunteer which I do. Not that I’m too paranoid about it but as I’m on a pension there’s reasons I don’t work and just volunteer. I worry sometimes I’ll be kicked off the pension which would be horrible as I can’t work these days…


They are so much fun to fill out badly.

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Haha…Yeah they officially said you can’t nominate The force as your religion. Kinda spoils the parade but this one was online. I don’t think they can legally do anything to you from information you provide but sometimes you’ve got to worry about the government.

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You can always plead insanity.

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Touche. Back in the day the police couldn’t prosecute you for any information you put on your tax form. People would just put down drug dealer or prostitute…it really was quite funny. I think they changed that after people started claiming their mobile phone bills as expenses for their drug dealiing business.


I hear you about the fear of getting the ■■■■■■■■ on your case.

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Yeah @Jayster . You don’t have to be paranoid to have such feelings but it’s worse if you are paranoid!

I have a friend who breeds miniature schnauzers. She rents out males for stud service. She put down that she was a pimp on her taxes. I guess the RCMP found it sort of amusing when they came out after the fact to look into it.

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Exactly, Australia.


Do they lock you in a room with a hungry pack of dingos?

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The census here in America always gives me a headache. I always have to note that I’m white, Native American and Hispanic.


Hopefully volunteering doesn’t count. It’s a lot easier oftentimes than having a regular job.

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We don’t have censuses any longer. They’re automatic or something.

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