Celebrity crushes

I was just looking on daily mail. Watch the top clip of David and Victoria. David is such a cutie here :upside_down_face:

The clip is from the early days


There is so much resemblance to his daughter

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Kate Beckinsale is my celebrity crush

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I liked Robert Plant & Eddie Van Halen… i would collect cds and dvds of led zep & van halen.

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I think my biggest celebrity crush right now is Victoria Justice:


Its the Countdown girls for me. Maybe Suzy is a bit old for me, but for some reason I have this fascination with them.


Once you get to be my age, in my 40s, all the rock stars I used to love happen to be divorced, which doesn’t help my erotomania. I like John Frusciante, Slash, and I think Mike D from the Beastie Boys is getting a divorce. Lucky me!


I’m still an Elmo guy. He’s hyper, cute, and is very playful.



Question for anyone who is attracted to men, do you find James Woods attractive?

I think he was a fox in the 80’s and early 90’s.

For women I really fancy Marrisa Tomei and Naomi Watts.

And I think Neal Patrick Harris is very cute, too.



I wanted to marry this guy I used to know who was a cross between Justin Timberlake and Neil Patrick Harris. This guy was a drummer in college and now he is a doctor. I did like Doogie Howswer MD too! Oh well


Well, Sandra Bullock is my age, funny, pretty and successful. So yeah, I can see it happening.


My celebrity crush is Olivia Wilde. I find her beautiful, alluring, interesting. Those eyes!


Well, I have eyes. What’s her body look like?

It’s amazing. She’s slim, but not too thin. Perky breasts :sweat_smile:

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Amanda Seyfried


James has a luscious mouth, handsome.

Marissa is pretty.

Naomi has an air of being herself looks.

EVERYONE thinks Neal Patrick is sexy.

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Olivia is very seductive… those eyes.

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I love to look at Jason Momoa.

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Charlie Puth… with dark hair.

I think the guy in goodbye Lenin is nice in that movie. Anyone seen it?