CBT - Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

No. CBTs are skills training, not psychodynamic or psychoanalytic (the latter two of which are “talk therapies”).

standard CBTs, like…

REBT – Rational emotive behavior therapy - Wikipedia
Schematherapy – Schema therapy - Wikipedia
Learned Optimism – Learned optimism - Wikipedia
Standard CBT – http://www.beckinstitute.org/what-is-cognitive-behavioral-therapy/About-CBT/252/

more modern, mondfulness-based cognitive therapies, like…

DBT – http://behavioraltech.org/resources/whatisdbt.cfm
MBSR – Welcome to the Mindful Living Blog
ACT – ACT | Association for Contextual Behavioral Science
MBBT – An Introduction to Mind-Body Bridging & the I-System – New Harbinger Publications, Inc
10 StEP – Pair A Docks: The 10 StEPs of Emotion Processing

new-wave somatic experiencing CBTs, like…

SEPT – Somatic experiencing - Wikipedia
SMPT – Sensorimotor psychotherapy - Wikipedia

The people I am going to be seeking therapy from are titled “psychotherapists”. I’m only doing it to insure I keep my SSi. I really don’t think I need any therapy at all, but getting some is better than being told AP’s are my only option at this point.

That can mean a whole lot of different things.

If the therapist is in his or her 60s, the tendency is toward the so-called “talk” therapies, though REBT was very popular when most of them were in school. If the therapist is in his or her 50s or even mid-40s, it’s more likely to be “functional assessment of behavior” and behaviorism with a smattering of sort of amorphous CBT tossed in.

If the therapist is in his or her 20s or 30s and came from a truly good school, they’ll assess your cognitive style and emotional proclivities quickly, then move into something truly useful, like one of the mindfulness-based CBTs.

And the really good ones will let go of their egos and assign you to a workbook-based skills training group. If it was me sitting in your seat, I’d tell them that’s what I’m really looking for… because the odds of accomplishing something meaningful are SO much better in that mode.

I’ll have to wait and see.

Check this out - I think you’ll understand it better:

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Dude man!!! Thats a WHOLE loindent preformatted text by 4 spacestta links.

What is REBT +++?