Cbd vs antipsychotics

what is cbd…

My sister self-medicated her PTSD with pot too. But you do NOT need it. You think you need it because you’re addicted. If your memories are that intrusive, talk to your therapist about exposure therapy. It helped me get over my PTSD. Now, I can tolerate having my bad memories without getting fixated on them. They just drift in and out of my head like any other memory.

If you feel you need to, why not just use it without telling your therapist until you can build up some good coping techniques? I had to drink a lot before going through exposure therapy, but now I don’t feel the need.

"Purified CBD has been shown to have antipsychotic and anti-anxiety effects, and can lessen the psychotic symptoms normally experienced by people given high doses of THC. Research by University College London also suggests that people who smoke cannabis rich in CBD are less likely to experience “schizophrenia-like symptoms” than those who smoke cannabis containing only THC.

Unfortunately for the mental health of many young cannabis users, the chemical profile of the drug has changed drastically over the past three decades. Not only does modern cannabis contain more than twice as much THC as it did in the 1960s, it also now contains hardly any of the “neuroprotective” cannabinoid CBD."

Read the full story on the company developing a CBD Medication:

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Do you have a MMJ card? Or just buying it off the streets…Idk the way I interpreted your post your doctor was kind of talking rhetorically…pretty much just saying “You gotta stop the pot.” It almost sounds like a threat. Like she won’t treat you anymore if you keep smoking weed because she doesn’t want to see you become psychotic on her watch. I think it’s inconsiderate of her, but you shouldn’t stop anti-psychotics. THC is dangerous. Unless you have low THC, High CBT, this sounds very dangerous. I wish you luck and maybe I’m wrong. peace.