CBD - Rich Marijuana for Schizophrenia / Psychosis

Sometimes i think that my delusions come in the form of people in my life being affected by various human conditions. -as they are seen by me-

Hey man, my family is over simplifying things too and it happens almost every day. Plus they are demoralizing at times and some time i feel like i take care of them.
On the same turn i often find the faults without even trying. People are more wicked than we’d like to imagine, whether it be egocentric azz’hat’s parading around like they have a propose, or addicted seekers finding (not real-)power to be a good supplement for their minds. It makes them weak, as if they weren’t weak enough already.

Apparently pure CBD oil is legal in Florida. I’m going to a dispensary this weekend to buy some.

the purple one on this web site have 50mg CBD and 2mg Thc, it will not make you high, but usually it is expensive at retail dispensaries, but if you are going to buy a lot you can always make deal with them for cheaper price.
I think this at retail is selling for 15 dollars and they buy half the price.
if you want to try CBD and see if it helps you, you can buy this CBD candy’s and try if it does help you than you can make deal with the store owner and buy big quantities with cheaper price.

Did you see this article - a good one:

Important to note:

Unfortunately for the mental health of many young cannabis users, the chemical profile of the drug has changed drastically over the past three decades. Not only does modern cannabis contain more than twice as much THC as it did in the 1960s, it also now contains hardly any of the “neuroprotective” cannabinoid CBD.

Due to the complex genetics of the cannabis plant, growers selectively breeding THC-rich plants were also selecting against the gene that produces CBD. In other words, in the quest to make ever stronger cannabis, illicit growers may have inadvertently bred out a chemical that protected the mental health of users in the past.

Potter and his team remain cautious, as it is not yet fully understood how CBD actually works – it is simplistic to say CBD just does the opposite of the psychosis-inducing THC.

It has taken him more than a decade to get to a point where he can grow both CBD- and THC-rich cannabis of consistent strength on a wide scale. When he tried to find CBD-rich varieties with which to conduct medical research in the late 90s, 97% of commercially available seedlings created THC-dominant plants.


Related Reading:

Cannabis and memory loss: dude, where’s my CBD?

A recent study published in Schizophrenia Bulletin is the latest to reveal the detrimental effects that cannabis can have on memory. The authors report that people dependent on the drug – both healthy individuals and patients with schizophrenia – show impairments in memory compared with healthy volunteers and non-smoking schizophrenia patients.

I picked up the oil and bought a vaporizer pen for it. I’m not expecting a miracle but we’ll see how I respond to it. If it can alleviate some of the negative symptoms then all the better.

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I always find it amusing when people refuse to take psych meds yet have no problem inhaling 400+ chemicals with a hit of weed.

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I don’t like what antipsychotics do to me or my brain. It’s as simple as that, @Malvok.

I feel very mellow from the CBD. No urge to go bar hopping, though.

Dear Gainesms:
At the risk of being an outlier (which I usually am) and merely being the mother of a newly diagnosed schizoaffective son, I will share my observations of him with respect to marijuana. First, I should disclose that I am a criminal defense lawyer and the previous posts regarding growing marijuana carrying more severe penalties than mere possession are correct, unless you live in a state with a provision for cultivation for personal medical use and have complied with whatever regulations have been put in place.

My 19-year old son was an occasional marijuana user prior to his illness, but it did not present any significant problems. Right before he began exhibiting positive symptoms, he got into some minor legal trouble and he had to abstain from marijuana use for a couple of months. Coincidentally, this is also when he began showing symptoms of psychosis. After his first hospitalization this past summer (due to a suicide attempt), he was unable to tolerate the medications upon returning home and quickly became manic and psychotic.

He started to tell me that he “needed” weed in order to control the voices and anxiety. In order to get it, he would literally harass anyone who he suspected of having some, and got ripped off a couple of times. He has an older brother with an autistic spectrum disorder who uses marijuana to maintain control of his emotions and maintain focus. I have been using for 35-years to treat my mood disorder and attention deficit disorder. Since I know how I and my older son benefit, I just gave in and began using it twice a day with him. Perhaps, I am biased, but I truly believe it helps him. He has less anxiety and can go with me on errands. His mood seems brighter and the bizarre behavior decreases.

Given the side-effects of anti-psychotic medications, which include death and tardive dyskinesia, I have a difficult time believing that marijuana is all that dangerous. No one dies from it. If it doesn’t agree with an individual, they should definitely abstain. But it seems irrational just to automatically dismiss its usefulness, just because some pharmacological company has not figured out how to extract the relevant substance into a processed form without losing its effectiveness, This is the only way they can make a profit. (Maybe that’s just coincidence too, but I doubt it.)

I suspect whether marijuana is effective for any physical or mental disorder is an individual matter. But I think just because it has “chemicals”, like all plants and most of the food you eat, not to mention the drugs most mentally ill people endure, doesn’t make it automatically “bad.”

Since you have a history of substance abuse, the biggest risk is overuse and abuse. Maybe your family can provide you small “doses” so you don’t have unfettered access.