Caved in, took a benzo

I had a disturbing pressure on my chest last night, this happened last time I quit benzos. Took the benzo and everything was OK.

The benzos are putting up quite a fight. Feel really blah today after the benzo.

How long did you go without them? You can reduce the amount, like take a quarter only if you feel withdrawals.

Iā€™ve only had about 2 in a month I think.

You can actually get a heart attack coming off these things, so a bit of uncomfortable pressure on my chest was enough to get me to take one.

I donā€™t regret it, better to be safe than sorry. Iā€™ll just be happy when Iā€™m completely clear of these things.


I find it hard to come of non-addictive meds so coming off a benzo must be tough. Donā€™t get too hard on yourself for having just one - isnā€™t an easy process.

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wow i did not realise how strong they are. 2 in a month? really?

I was on them everyday, for about a year. Now that Iā€™m ā€˜offā€™ them, Iā€™ve only had about 2 in the last month. Those 2 I took only to ease the physical withdrawal from the benzos themselves.

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Actually Iā€™ve been feeling a weird pressure at night lately as well. Maybe an AP side effect?

I think I saw earlier you said it made you irritable, which is interesting as Iā€™ve never heard of that before. Benzos, if taken as prescribed and for under a few months, are not harmful or evil medications and have the potential to do a lot of good. Ativan has really helped me. Donā€™t be ashamed :slight_smile:

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Actually Iā€™ve been feeling a weird pressure at night lately as well

Yikes. It could be your high powered bcomplex interacting with abilify. I did warn you this would happen! :smile:

Stop taking the bcomplex.

I have no such issues with this low powered one

Just order it online from Thatā€™s where I get it from even though Iā€™m in Europe.

High powered bcomplexes and abilify donā€™t mix.

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Hereā€™s a thread I made about it

all theses medications, if they donā€™t kill us, this disease willā€¦

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If you havenā€™t already, try giving L-Theanine a go to help with anxiety that rises towards the evening. It ought to help a little with benzo withdrawal due to its (albeit subtle) GABAergic ties. 1-5mg melatonin pairs well with L-Theanine to help get one out of sleep delay-onset too. Iā€™ve noticed quite a few members here using this combo to good effect.

The problem with B complexes is that they are complexes. You donā€™t need something in there and getting too much of it is a problem. Itā€™s cost prohibitive to buy each vitamin separately, I know, but still - thatā€™s the nature of the beast.

One of the most inane things I read last night (I know I should get out more often) was that one of the top interventions for benzo withdrawal is benzo use. Um?

Maybe keep some Phenibut (easily obtained online) at hand for those rare occasions where you need a benzo? It has less affinity to GHB than most benzos and far less propensity to lead to dependency relapse.

Print this ā– ā– ā– ā–  and show your GP or pdoc before doing it though. :slight_smile:

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Am on a multivitamin and next week I want to start bcomplex. The pill says it is 100% daily requirement. Is this safe to take?

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Iā€™m taking 100% rda bcomplex and have no issues with it. Itā€™s only the high powered ones that I have a problem with. (1000% rda etc)

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Itā€™s usually excessive B6 that leads to dramas. Oral B12 is fairly useless (sorry believers), otherwise that could potentially lead to anxiety. Some people have issues with too much folic acid ā€¦ itā€™s all very individual and depends a lot on what you are getting from other sources like diet.

Cool thanks 151515