Catholic schizophrenic

How about just the main point. The message you wanted to leave with me. If that helps?

no idea. the moment in which it was done no longer exists, and my mind does not hold onto graven images. you must have gotten some of it right? do you feel a ā€œresonanceā€ from it?

My Experience: I am a Catholic, but Iā€™m not a strict Catholic nor ultra conservative. Most of my relatives are not extreme but most of them are Catholics. I have a lesbian aunt who is Catholic and who is also accepting of me. My mother has schizophrenia and her parents love her but it breaks their heart how ill sheā€™s been.

I have had psychic experiences that also came with the illnessā€™ onset. Iā€™ve always been intuitive, curious about reincarnation and hinduism and a devout believer in God the father, a gentle companion in the clouds. He has given me signs in life. The leaves blowing towards me, for instance, was a sign of his angelic presence.

Angels have assisted me. My brother came home and I was happy to see him wearing the angel necklace I gave to him. He took the necklace with him overseas for an internship. But symbols are representations of the love behind them, which is where I see the ā€œidols not replacing true faith and worshipā€ motto in the Bible. We donā€™t worship symbols, the Bible and Church is a symbolic place of worship. I donā€™t think a ā€œthingā€ or even a book as the Bible should hold pretense over actual Christian experience.

I find certain people who practice Christianity to be somewhat misguided. For instance, revenge etc. an eye for an eye, or thinking another Baptism rights what sins weā€™ve committed. It is only symbolic, not literal. We humans have to make up our minds about what weā€™ve done.

I have had premonitions: one situation was my onset @ fifteen years old, I saw a colorful purse in a dream the night before I went to church in a pew a few aisles down. It wasnā€™t in the exact same location, but it was the same unique purse. I donā€™t know why but I asked my parents to take me back home because it frightened me. An older woman who was a christian pacifist came to my parentā€™s house with my mom (who was well at the time) and they helped me see through my splintered reality, the woman assured me this was the ā€œdark night of the soulā€ or a spiritual darkness where the soul needed to hunger/suffer in order to find the light again. It comforted me, and was significant to my recovery.

My symptoms manifested in pain, immortal spiritual pain. Emotional pain. Psychological confusion and soul yearning for answers. I was also having a manic/depressive episode that would not abate. It was as if I was shattered by some force. It was maybe coincidental, that I was messing with weird Italian tarot cards and my roommate at boarding school had a giant crystal ball that she told no one to touch. And I placed my hand over before I became ill. I saw spirits flying around me in a circle as white swooping shapes. I was fatigued. Teachers acted weird too and there was a red streak in the sky all around the same time I became ill. The boarding school is Quaker, but students did whatever they wanted then and it lacked a lot of standards, it was maybe 400 years old and there was a fire at the school. I am sensitive to spirits. As soon as I got to the school I cried. It also had a lot of weird musty smells, and girls complained to hear footsteps. So I think it could have had some haunted activity.

The only way to overcome spiritual intrusion is to let go and be one with God the heavenly father, he is a protector of people and innocent children. I was closer to him when I was younger. To me, the old religion had a female Goddess counterpart. That was destroyed in Christianity by the strict ruling elites who didnā€™t believe in poetry or art, and didnā€™t see true freedom as an essential to the survival of the human race.

So I am open minded, and have been. Coincidences are merely coincidences, but there is some truth to certain things. Some believe there are no total coincidences. The I Ching is a divination system based on the method of chance as prediction.

I came out of the darkness, a stronger more resilient woman with a truer more bold belief in the heavenly father God. The God of the universe, the ascension of the spirit, the beginning and the end. God is the summation, but is also an entity of compassion and governance. Thatā€™s what I believe in, and Iā€™m trying to become once more a part of God.

iā€™m glad you wrote this. do not seek the symbol ā€œgodā€, or ā€œheavenly fatherā€; for what of the earthly mother? the christian son of god pointed menā€™s eyes away from her, into the sky and the sun. ā€œgodā€ is a graven image. it cannot capture the all that you seek; the present everything. that is being spelled out for you right now. let go of all words and doctrines. the words of tongues can never capture the everything.

to add: the way you know ā€œthe bibleā€ is the devilā€™s book is that it says ā€œin the beginning came the wordā€. words are symbols made by men, which are separations from reality. to name the self, is to be separate from it. to search for a symbol is to search for an illegitimate thing.

Based on christian theology, God would be the creator of wordsā€¦
Also remember He scrambled everyoneā€™s language to be the way they are now after the tower of Babylon incident.
Definitely dubbing Him the creator of that wave.

that is, if you believe in manā€™s words in the first place. if you believe in the self and the senses, however, they tell a different story. reality is beyond words and mathematics; that is undeniable. they are the deceiver. it was after adam ingested knowledge, that he saw he was ā€œnakedā€. he was comfortable with himself until knowledge told him what he should be comfortable with. but that is to use scripture as a tool, not a guide. i wonder if disease would have the power it did, if it were never named ā€œdiseaseā€, and instead just seen as a variation of manā€™s infinite nature.