Start experiencing schizophrenia really hard when I was 20. One day I accepted I had schizophrenia when I was 31 and I am 32. I got my voices issues solved with InVega sustenna injection monthly. But I still had catatonia issues. Before I thought I was being possessed by the devil or that I was being cursed by God so I couldn’t do the things I want with my life. I can’t move sometimes and I always can’t do certain activities so I thought I was possessed or that God was cursing me.
This wasn’t true.
I decided to believe there was a medical reason for what was happening thanks to God saving me from my beliefs and I began going to the neurologist for sleep apnea tests, MRIs and things like that. I began researching my symptoms and I began to narrow down what it could be. Once I was diagnosed with catatonia I began researching treatment
This website suggested a few over the counter medications and I found that glycine is really good for treating catatonia (Although you have to take a lot of it). I also found out from just talking to people that valerian root which naturally acts like a Benzo type medication helps.
For the past four months and 22 days valerian root has been helping my catatonia. It gets less and less effective though and it requires more and more for the valerian root to work.
At first I was just using valerian root pills but then I bought the actual cut up raw valerian root and empty tea bags and drink the tea every four hours in order to function properly as I cannot control what I want to do and do it unless I take glycine or valerian root and even then it’s still very hard to be able to choose to do the things I need to do through out the day to function.
Had I not found valerian root and glycine by visiting this website I would have not succeeded at work and school.
But I’m full time work and full time school and around January 30th valerian root stopped working. Then I waited a couple of days and it worked a little but and works or does not work.
I went to the psychiatrist and they subscribed me Valium (dazepam) and it only worked for five days before it stopped working. That means what the forum suggested worked longer than what the doctor gave me for it.
I am now calling hospitals because the next stage for me is to get ECT electroconvulsive therapy. I am going to get the therapy and hopefully it stops my catatonia because I have a high activity life of full time work and school and if I can’t get a control of my actions I’ll fail both work and school and have to quit.
My 6 months review at work was one supervisor saying I was doing bad and the other saying I was doing a 6.5 out of ten and I could be doing way better if I could just stop pausing all activity because of catatonia and control my actions to do what I choose when I choose it instead of having to struggle to do every single choice I make.
For now I have to take glycine every 3 hours in order to semi function.
Does anyone have any advice for me?can anyone relate with me and my story?
What medication do you take to treat your catatonia or catatonic schizophrenia as it’s called?
Do you have anything to say that you think I need to hear?
I try to discipline myself to go to the gym but my actions freeze while I’m at the gym and I can’t exercise anymore or I can’t go to the gym at all. I try to do talents like art or create music with instruments or write lyrics or write source code in my free time but when I choose to do those actions I get frozen and simply can’t do them. I make the choice but my body doesn’t do it. Or I do it for a while and then I feel weak and like I don’t want to do it anymore and I stop. Valerian root and glycine is what I take and then I’m able to do prolonged activities. But sometimes I can’t even do those things with the medicine.
I’m familiar with the can’t go to school or work thing because I have a mental illness. So I’m fighting it as hard as I can everyday to try to succeed but I need different medication or hopefully ECT will help.