Cat psychology

We have had many cats over the years, and I’m wondering why cats are cuddlier and more agreeable to certain people, than others. I love my kitties. They are always all over me and follow me around. My hubby likes them, too but he just mainly tolerates them. He doesn’t pet them or let them on his lap. It is true for my kids. Our cats gravitate towards some kids more than others. Hubby says that apparently cats view people as other cats. Do you know if that is true?


My friends always say I am a cat magnet, it is pretty annoying too because I am pretty allergic to them. I can only have short contact with them.


They love those who are kind to them more than other people who they dont know

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I love my moms cats, I guess they’re my cats too. One is chunky but beautiful light gray like a Siamese with blue eyes, I forget the specific kind, Saki is her name. The other is a recent adoption, she is a Tortie but she has a white patch. She was a stray we took in she is so cute and playful, Moth is her name. Love these cats! We also feed the neighborhood strays, calling them Stormy (gray long haired) and Mustache (has a mustache) respectively. There was another lil black stray that came around we called MechaGodzilla but haven’t seen them in awhile, hope a coyote didn’t eat the kitty.

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