Care and grooming

Why is showering so hard when it always feels so good after the fact? I can easily go a couple weeks just taking bird baths at the sink. It just takes so much energy. Baths arent much better. Same with shaving, which is why Ive started going full beard again. why are the little things in life, that arent supposed to be a second thought, even so damn difficult?


It’s terrible.

It’s the medication and obesity that’s what did it to me.

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I think thats what I hate most about Sz, that so many of the little things that are nothing for the rest of the world are such a hassle for us.
Oh boy, guess I better stop crying in my Cheerios lol.


I know what you mean. It’s mamamamadness

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I don’t know why it’s so hard too. I shower or bath only once a week and teeth the same. It’s beyond crazy.

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Yeah, the teeth thing really makes me nervous because Im a baby with tooth pain.

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I hear you. I am constantly trying to initiate better care/grooming habits. It can be tough to keep up! Don’t let go of how good you’ll feel afterwards, I guess.


i am horrible with self care
i just cant find a reason to do good cause i dont really see anyone
usually its once a week when my mom tells me i need one
i used to take 3 or 4 day it felt good
now i hallucinate the water is blood and want to cut to see real blood so i stop taking them


i take really good care to groom and clean myself up daily. only i spent enough time on it to feel guilty which is not the way to go. i should be happy i have it going for myself this well.


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For me it’s a time crunch. I have too little time for interesting things so I resent having to waste it on mundane activities instead.

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