I’ve been spending a lot of time working on my computer card game. It’s based on the old collectible card game Doomtrooper. I needed images for cards in the game so I spent the last two days creating 1075 cards.
Over the past few years I had assembled a database of card information and pieced together some pieces of the card images. I wrote a couple of GIMP plugins in Python to create the cards. The plugin reads the information from the database and assembles the cards from the individual pieces of image. Then it reads the title and description of the card and auto-sizes the text on each card.
It was a bit of work but well worth it and quite fun.
Check out a couple of the cards. Click to see them full size.
I also had some great news last night. I had been looking for some music that I could add to my game and I found something nice that would work well. I contacted the artist and he not only approved of me using the music in my game but he said I could use any of his music in the game as I needed. I’m pretty stoked about this as it will really improve the quality of the game. Check out the song that will play at the beginning of the game at the main menu.
It’s client-server. I’m thinking of adding a dedicated server but that’s a ways off.
It’s Internet based with direct IP, though I’m considering moving it to Steam. Not sure about that because the IP of the cards hasn’t been licensed. I will be contacting the owner of the IP soon. I’ve already decided that I’m going to release it regardless of licensing but it would be nice to be official and on Steam.
Yep, there will be an integrated deck builder.
I had written a Python version of this game a couple of years ago. It worked well but I had some issues with the program that made me want to create a better version.
Just don’t prompt a cease and desist… make it sound like something you are thinking about and not something you are working on… otherwise they can take legal action to make you scrap the project.
A steam release would be cool… you could make some good money…
Nope, I’m not selling it. Just giving it away. Unless I manage to license the IP, then I’ll just sell it for the minimum needed to satisfy the IP owner.