Anybody else use this? Now I have two cars on it.
When the spring comes I plan on using it. Hope they cover what they say they do.
Anybody else use this? Now I have two cars on it.
When the spring comes I plan on using it. Hope they cover what they say they do.
seen the commercial but i don’t have it.
I’ve always wondered if they were legit.
Yes. I see the commercial all the time. Both cars I have on it are old. They are 2002 models. One has a platinum plan and the other has a gold plan.
What is it? I don’t watch TV so I haven’t seen any commercials.
It’s a car warranty you get after the manufacturers warranty ends. They supposedly pay for repairs if something covered breaks. They give you a tow and a rental car and cover the repair costs. My deductible is $100 for each vehicle. So supposedly that’s all I would have to pay.
I don’t need a rental car. I ought to see if I can cancel that part and the towing too. My insurance covers that and I have a lot of vehicles so I have no need for a rental.
Maybe I can get my payments lower. These cars are both toys. I don’t drive them very much. They sit in the garage mostly.
My regular insurance covers all of this. What is the difference?
Insurance doesn’t pay for repair bills. My insurance pays for that too.
Ahh I see. I have never had a costly repair on a car. Just replacing brakes and tires occasionally. I sold my last car at 130000 and the most expensive thing it ever needed was the fan belt tightened.
My wife’s car the AC needs repair. My mechanic is really cheap but he is afraid to do this. The whole dash has to come out. We already replaced the compressor and that didn’t fix it.
I got an estimate and it’s about 5000 dollars to fix it. I don’t need ac right now It has cooled off. And the warranty doesn’t kick in until 20 days and 500 miles so when it warms up again I am going to take it in to be fixed. I just have to put at least 500 miles on it between now and then.
Might be kind of shady but I don’t want to put $5000 into the car for AC. I only paid $9000 for the whole car.
I have had CarShield on my Corvette since I bought it. @shutterbug told me the maintenance can get costly.
Erf. Mine sure was, but it was a lemon. GM has mostly ironed out those bugs since 2000.
Well the starter went out on the Corvette. I will have my first experience with Car Shield.
Let us know how it goes, I have been eyeing car shield the last couple years.
The car had some tire warnings on the display so I brought it to Firestone. They said two sensors were bad and they fixed it. I went and paid and to pick the car up and it wouldn’t start. We tried to jump it it wasn’t the battery.
Firestone told me they didn’t take Car Shield but my warranty company is American Auto not Car Shield so the guy called them. The warranty company wants to use their parts but Firestone will only use their parts for the warranty on the work. So I have to pay the difference.
The job will be like $679 and I have a $100 deductible. Firestone told me with using their parts I would have to pay about $275 out of pocket. I probably should have had it towed to the Chevrolet dealer but I didn’t want to spend all day waiting for a tow truck and it was already at Firestone so I told them to do it.
But it gets better. The guy at Firestone told me the exhaust bolts look rusted and they might break and I will need new manifolds then. He said he told this to the warranty company and they said they wouldn’t cover that.
So long story short if I need new manifolds it’s probably going to cost me $1000 to get my car back. That’s a lot more than a $100 deductible. Hopefully it’s only the $275.
Hmm, so car shield isn’t accepted everywhere that’s good to know, that’s strange about the parts not being covered, cars can be so costly sometimes, hope it’s not the manifolds though. I wish I could have a big garage and a lift and air tools to do all my own maintenance lol, I’ve had too many shops do shady things to me in the past.
Yeah a lift would be nice. I have most of the air tools. I guess you have to disconnect the exhaust from the manifolds to get to the starter. They don’t make cars to be worked on anymore.
I am really good with old cars but all these new cars have so much extra stuff under the hood with fuel injection, electronic ignition, computers and the like. Engines used to be simple. Fuel, fire and oil and you were good to go.
I picked my car up. I have it back now.
The bill was $690 I paid $281.