Write a fun/amusing caption to go with the above photo!!
Write a fun/amusing caption to go with the above photo!!
“Ish was starting to re-think about continuing with her part-time pizza delivery job”
“Sugar cubes delivery for Giants.”
“Pixel takes home requests from strangers on how to improve this Sz Forum”
“A recent spike in oil prices is spawning a phenomenon called hard work.”
“The Stay Puft Marshmallow Man was a godsend to hungry nations”
Pixel starts to regret purchasing generic inkjet cartridges in bulk.
“I didn’t think being a drug peddler would be this much hard work”.
“I’m thinking of ditching my compulsive eating girlfriend, she’s wearing me out!”
The dumbest drug smuggler in the world.
this portable igloo thing might catch on…i’m a genius !?!
take care
pizza delivery in india !?!
take care
Olanzapine really gives me the munchies…
Well, beavis needs his tp…
Hotel…with…Americans…before… their …coffee… runs… out!
I don’t always ride a bike. But when I do I make sure it’s packed full of giant Legos
My wife said I needed to lose some weight. Oh I’ll show her what WIDE LOAD really means
“I don’t care what the wife says, this our LAST move for a long time”.
Geeez, being a box salesman is not all it was cracked up to be.