I can’t sleep. I’ve been trying since one am Its now 4:58:woman_facepalming:t2:
I keep hearing banging and footsteps in the hall, I’m doing my best to ignore it but it seems that I won’t be sleeping tonight
Which give me anxiety because I know once my girlfriend wakes up she’s going to hit me with the thousand and six questions.
Why couldn’t you sleep?
How long did you try before giving up and coming out to the living room to pace?
How this and what that
I’m trying to come up with a good cover story. So I don’t have to admit I’ve been sitting hear waiting for the person who is walking up and down our hallway leave so I can run back into the room. But I’m having a hard time focusing on anything, just typing this has taken forever it’s now 5:20:woman_facepalming:t2:
Any suggestions on what I can say kept me up tonight? All I can think is saying something like I had a nightmare? Butttt I don’t know