Insomnia sucks, I always stay up late then fall asleep at 6 AM and sleep until noon or 1-2 PM. I frequently have nightmares and never look forward to sleeping. Sometimes I go a night without sleep and my family lately has been giving me flak about it, and I wish they’d just leave me alone about it. Sometimes I just can’t get to sleep, not my fault.
@labratmat yeah I really should cool it on the caffeine. But I dont think thats the problem, Im pretty sure its withdrawal symptoms cuz I havent had a problem with sleep for awhile till now
If I take speed, i am going to be awake all night. Now you are not taking recreational drugs then caffeine is going to feel like a replacement. Perhaps it makes you more sensitive to it.
What harm does it do to give it rest for a day or two and see if it helps?
I have trouble sleeping too. But I don’t do very much during the day. Hard to sleep when you’ve been inactive. Anymore I’m lucky to fall asleep at midnight and wake up at 5. I lay in bed forever with no motivation to do anything
I enjoyed your new music composition @zwolfgang. I hope you’re able to get some sleep and to awake refreshed and able to focus on your studies.
I posted this on another thread a few days ago, but one of my go-to videos for when I have severe insomnia is this Slow TV train video from Norway. I find it boring and soothing and also scenic. Plus it’s 10 hrs long so if I wake up again, it’s still playing and puts me back to sleep.
I have insomnia since january this year. I slept today from 8 am to 2 pm. I tried to sleep at 11 pm. But after 40 minutes I needed to stand up from bed. I decided to be awake at the night, I have no appointments coming this week. So I can be up anytime I want to. Watching EsfandTv on Twitch and drinking coffee with some smokes. I feel best if I’m up in the night. Nothing beats this feeling. Daytime us the hardest.