Cant sleep? Me too. Lets talk about it

Im having an insomnia night. Probably due to intense drug cravings but w/e

Anyone else about? I know its probably daytime for most peeps

Posting in creativity because I have another beat lol not much else to do. Let me know what you think

Maybe we can post our music in this thread and listen to each others stuff? Thatd be cool


You’re very smart, don’t let the drugs destroy you. Stay strong! :star:

Nice music as always :+1:


Thanks man :slight_smile:

Im doing my best. Having a hard time coping with the lockdown I guess. Ill make it though, really appreciate the kind words and support!

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Insomnia sucks, I always stay up late then fall asleep at 6 AM and sleep until noon or 1-2 PM. I frequently have nightmares and never look forward to sleeping. Sometimes I go a night without sleep and my family lately has been giving me flak about it, and I wish they’d just leave me alone about it. Sometimes I just can’t get to sleep, not my fault.

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Caffeine is a drug that directly promotes insomnia. Cut it out completely and see if you sleep better.


Same here, except not really nightmares, more like just really odd unsettling dreams.

I also do the all nighters, but I dont tell anyone but you guys lol :upside_down_face:

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@labratmat yeah I really should cool it on the caffeine. But I dont think thats the problem, Im pretty sure its withdrawal symptoms cuz I havent had a problem with sleep for awhile till now

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If I take speed, i am going to be awake all night. Now you are not taking recreational drugs then caffeine is going to feel like a replacement. Perhaps it makes you more sensitive to it.

What harm does it do to give it rest for a day or two and see if it helps?

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Fair point. Havent been drinking more caffeine than normal but could be more sensitive. My mind has been doing weird things since the cold turkey

Ill give it a shot tomorrow

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I have trouble sleeping too. But I don’t do very much during the day. Hard to sleep when you’ve been inactive. Anymore I’m lucky to fall asleep at midnight and wake up at 5. I lay in bed forever with no motivation to do anything

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Same here my friend. Been falling behind on classwork again and exams are coming up. Hope you get some rest soon, its a rough go insomnia is

I enjoyed your new music composition @zwolfgang. I hope you’re able to get some sleep and to awake refreshed and able to focus on your studies.

I posted this on another thread a few days ago, but one of my go-to videos for when I have severe insomnia is this Slow TV train :train: video from Norway. I find it boring and soothing and also scenic. Plus it’s 10 hrs long so if I wake up again, it’s still playing and puts me back to sleep. :sleeping:

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Didnt know I needed something like this till now haha but I think this is just what I need! Thanks @Moonbeam!

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I get some spiritual dreams, occasionally a nightmare and a ■■■■ ton of precognitive dreams.

I have insomnia since january this year. I slept today from 8 am to 2 pm. I tried to sleep at 11 pm. But after 40 minutes I needed to stand up from bed. I decided to be awake at the night, I have no appointments coming this week. So I can be up anytime I want to. Watching EsfandTv on Twitch and drinking coffee with some smokes. I feel best if I’m up in the night. Nothing beats this feeling. Daytime us the hardest.

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