Can't sleep can't be awake

I literally have no idea what to do with myself.

Hate weekends, but need to rest from work, but internal restless bites me every time

Nothing meaningful to do, with no one to do it with - and all the time in the world to do it


I thought you were going to visit some new places?

At 12 which is in 1 hour. I have been awake since 1am and I am losing my ■■■■

Maybe that might be stressing me out

My parents are coming and they’re just going to put me off everything because they don’t make decisions as quickly as I do

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I think if you aren’t feeling well you should put off such an important decision as buying an apartment. You need to be in a calm and rational state of mind to make such a decision. But obviously it’s stressful to find a new place.


O wow, I slept 7hrs and you’re still awake since before that. Is it benzo withdrawals?

Pregabalin drop is to blame I think. I got 2 hours sleep at best

I should be very tired but I cannot switch off


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Wow dude sorry to hear that must suck. I think everyone’s been there tho bro you’ll make it thru the day

Sleep is super important, do what you can to get back on track. I recently went through a bout of not sleeping at all for about 60 hours. It was awful. I was trying to switch meds, but got no sleep support from the new one, just had to get back on my old meds to get sleep.

Tried 5-HTP (Tryptophan)? 300mg of that half an hour before bed might let you sleep?

Freely available on Amazon.

I will take a look - thanks :slight_smile:

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