Cant quit tobacco no matter how hard I try

Hi, I am addicted to chewing tobacco. No matter how hard I try I cant quit.
I have tried nicotine gums but I always return to chewing tobacco. I really want to quit.

Do you guys have any tips for me ?

I use an e-cig and it really helps me. Have you tried it? I know its different than chewing to use your lungs vs. your gums. But it seems the lesser of all evils.

It can also help you quit nicotine altogether by lowering your levels slowly to wean off it

Thanks for your reply but honestly smokeless tobacco is what I am addicted to and I have feel no attraction to smoking.
Do you think I should try nicotine patches or inhalers instead of nicotine gum ?

I’m allergic to the patch so I really don’t know how good it is but it could possibly help you. I liked the gum though because its more orally stimulating. maybe since you chew though it reminds you too much of the gum, so yeah id try the patch!

I was helplessly addicted to smoking cigs and my doctor went through all the cures with me, and eventually got to saying I could always try to quit cold turkey. And it was the way he said it that caused me to realize this was the option he most believed in.

Either way I quit 13 months ago and haven’t looked back. Addiction deals a bit with extreme behavior, and going cold turkey is pretty darn extreme. You probably already have it in your personality to quit!

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I know right? I can’t quit either, it’s terrible

This time I did not consume a single nicotine gum so I am also trying to go the cold turkey way. I will try my best but if I cant manage the last line of defense will be patches.

This is like the 15/16th time I am trying to quit. So I totally know what you mean.

I know, I think I’ve tried everything. I just don’t know where to get the strength to just do it

lets see there’s chantix did you try that? I don’t know if that works for chew

or Wellbutrin can help you

I think you should try welbutrin or Chantix with the gum, that’s what my gut is telling me

@Jonnybegood do you think I could switch my Lexapro for Wellbutrin for a couple of months and use the gum and maybe that would help me quit?

Okay I will ask my Pdoc about Chantix and Welbutrin but google says Chantix has got some serious side effects.

Possibly could help you. But Wellbutrin is an SNRI I think while Lexapro is an SSRI so I hope it doenst have an adverse reaction or be non-effective.

okay and snri is what again? norepinephrine?

yeah you got it right

SNRIs (Serotonin Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors)

would that work on ocd type symptoms typically?

Not sure. Couldn’t say for sure. Ask @Wave I think he’d know

i dont want to quit tobacco anymore i gave up on that idea

why do you want to quit do you know?
maybe if you find some really good reason it would be easier?