Can't get lost in my passions

I used to be able to get lost in my art, music, video games, books, movies, but now I can’t find enjoyment in anything and I can’t focus. I feel like there’s something important I’m supposed to do or something I’m missing. It’s making me miserable and I don’t want to be touched and I’m angry all the time


I lost my passion when someone told me that those are just distraction in facing my problems. :frowning:

Sounds like someone gave you bad advice. I’m sorry to hear that


I’m waiting on my insurance to kick in so I can finally get help for my schizophrenia… it took me awhile to get the help after I found out cause this whole thing in my head like I’m gifted and they’re just tryna take my powers from me and all this lol but I can’t draw anymore and I’d do anything to just be able to sit down and paint! Drawing is my passion like I got artist tattooed on my neck in pink but I can’t do it anymore. I’m heartbroken like I literally CANT nomatter how much I want too or think I want too… I start thinking about how I should start painting then my mind gets racing and overthinking like can i even paint anymore even though I’ve been drawing my whole life… I can’t wait to draw again you have no idea :tired_face: That’s what I look forward too

I know the struggle. Drawing has been my escape my whole life and now I can’t hardly even start a drawing

I used to have many hobbies and now i do nothing for the day. It sucks.


I’ve been telling exactly this to my pdocs from the beginning. I believe the cause of this is anhedonia.
Tianeptin helps a little to get active, but still no drive…

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I know how you’re feeling.
I feel like I’m still waiting for my life to start.


Me too, my head enjoys only pacing back and forth now.
There seems to be no hope to regain the concentration and the normal feelings…


Don’t listen to them. Pursue your passions. They are wrong. The passions are what make people happy and that is important.


I know I’m doing good because I can get lost in my passions still which are: yoga, meditation, piano, reading, talking to my cat, social media, and volunteering.

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