Cancer in a couple years

I believe cancer will be cured by 2020. Kk, not just kk.

Hope you’re right. :sparkling_heart:

Now we just need to cure global warming

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What global warming? Satellite temp records show there isn’t any.


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There are some things satellites are good at, but observing delicate ecosystem shifting is not one of them.

Satellite records have shown massive ice melt in the arctic, however.

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Accurate measurements, on the other hand, they’re awesome at. There is no warming. NOAA has had to resort to fudging the figures from land-based thermometers and cherry picking datasets that demonstrate warming, ignoring things like urban heat bias.

And record ice growth in the Antarctic.


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It doesn’t come close to matching the ice loss in the arctic.

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I’m sure it will grow back, but only if you stop picking at it.



i hope you are right

Well, there’s no way to know for sure that cancer will be cured by then.

If that’s want you want to believe. I see places like Hong Kong, Dehli, Los Angeles, it’s not good. It’s not good at all. You can hedge your bets if you want to, but one day we’ll pay for it.