Wow, I thought medical students and Drs were angels.
You’re being sarcastic, right?
I mean they know that drugs are bad for our health since they’re Drs but I guess they can still be evil.
Sorry for late reply, the forum wouldn’t load for a min.
I’ve had a lot of medical problems (physical, not sz/sza), and I’ve had my share of doctors. Lots of them. And lots of them are total ■■■■.
Someone else said they got an error message when making a reply.
I always trust Drs a lot, I guess I need to be wary of even them.
I thought I was suspended for posting this article about Drs lol
My default is to not trust a doctor, pdoc, or therapist until they demonstrate to me that they deserve that trust. I usually go into first appointments very defensive, well-armed with knowledge and research, and a bad attitude. It sucks, and it’s totally rude of me, but it feels necessary to protect myself and advocate for my interests. Which I always do. I will push until I get an answer or result or help.
I trust some doctors but I feel that many of them are arrogant.
It took three years for me to build a trusting relationship with my therapist and yet so much still goes unsaid.
As far as pdocs go for whatever reason they either pass away or don’t stay in practice long enough for me to trust them 100%. My last one was great but he died unfortunately. Now I have a new one and I don’t trust her competence a whole lot yet.
Oh my gosh… That’s so horrible. I wish he got more than 1 year in prison. He killed someone; he should be in prison for a much longer sentence, IMO.
He suffered the most by losing his chance to become a medical doctor. That in itself was a lot of punishment quite comparable to prison.
I’m a fan of legalising all drugs. It’s a social problem and not a legal one. Pill poppers should have access to testing facilities. Taking street drugs is so dodgy when it comes to things like MDMA.
My thoughts would be you need a script from a doctor. Get a legal supply. Governement gets money and income and doctors keep users on an even keel. NO one won the war on drugs. It was an abject failure and we need better models moving forward.
It’s dumb that alcohol is legal but weed isn’t in some places. My two cents.
In this case the guy needed to be sanctioned, but the laws about providing assistance to someone who is hurt or sick have gotten screwy. If the person gets well, but says they didn’t want the first aid in the first place they can sue you. That makes it where no one will be willing to give first aid at the scene of an accident.
I trust doctors are trying their best but seriously, they do not know everything. It’s important to do my own research. I have a relative who started getting very specific symptoms. That they’ve never had before. At the accident n emergency they diagnosed it as an allergy. Sent them home. Then they started bleeding from their mouth n nose…
Turns out they had a severe condition where the blood clotting ability was severely, dangerously low…
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