Can you lose weight on antipsychotics?

Yikes. That is not enough calories. You’re being self destructive! Talk to your dr

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The only med I lost weight on was Latuda. Every other med made me fatter than a hippo.

Latuda made me a zombie ugh nasty med for me

What dose were u on?

I recently found out about R-ala which basically reverses the histamine binder affinity issue that usually causes weight gain in people. I got it on Sunday and so far I’ve lost like 4 lbs it’s so much easier now to lose weight. I hope this helps. (I workout too tho)

I honestly can’t remember it was so awful. If really need to know I can sift through my pharmacy records

No worries thanks for the input tho!

I gained about 10 pounds on my medicine. I eat tons of salad without dressing and now I lost 5 pounds

I’ve lost approx 5kg in one month so far…the question is can I continue this until I am a healthy weight? I really hope so. I’m on abilify it makes me ravenous.

Ok…I’m gonna get personal here. Why is your name butterfly

Lol I like how beautiful and delicate they are and they are free to roam in the sky ideally a sky like this nice blue lol

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I designed a tattoo on my back of one. Because as a caterpillar they eat and eat because that is nature…then they go to sleep…and wake up a beautiful butterfly without a care in the world and fly to wherever their heart desires. They’re free! So, don’t fear food. Eat because you are part of nature :wink:


I have let myself get to this stage so I have to work to get myself out of it… I eat enough its just its vegan now so there’s less fat :slight_smile: yes butterflies are cool aren’t they how they transform aswell like magic… The important part is I know that I won’t want to lose more weight once I’m healthy size cos being anorexic on hindsight did not suit me… My arse went saggy for example… But thanks for the concern :slight_smile:

Ok. Down to the nitty gritty. What is the benefit of being a certain weight? Will you win the lottery, get a new car, have your mental illness go away…

I wasted years of my life counting calories, weighing myself, I frickin cut out the cake part in wedding…

All I can say is what works for me. Acceptance and if want to change then change. I’ve fallen flat on my face too many times with self destructive behavior…

If only I could help one person realize…it’s not the number on the scale, it is the health you are in. If you are unhealthy, so, is your mental illness. I’d eat dog ■■■■ if Would make me healthy enough to drive.

Sorry if harsh but sometimes at least I need to snap myself into priorities


I really do feel your pain so hope didn’t offend you. If I did, ask your brain if it was me or your illness. Hugs

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The number on the scale signals that I have a lot of extra fat in my body which is unhealthy… I get scared of all these diseases linked with bmi… And I honestly just don’t feel comfortable in this body it is a drag to carry around and makes me feel more ugly… You are naturally thin have u ever been overweight to know what it is like

I’m not offended. Being on a diet that doesn’t involve binge eating IS also better for my depression in the long run I will still be depressed but not as severely @anon98519533

Ok. Since we’re down to nitty gritty. I had to take two jobs because my dad was too depressed to work. I checked and bagged groceries so I could get enough hours to pay the bills. The bakery gave me free food. This went on for a year. My athletic sister came home for xmas and she and my dad laughed at me and started calling me the pillsbury dough boy. She gave me a box of slim fast for xmas. She and my dad just laughed and laughed

Very ■■■■■■ up childhood

That sounds bad. That could have contributed to ur anorexia so sorry @anon98519533