Sometimes I feel like I have nervous energy when it’s time for my medication. Almost like it is wearing off.
I used to know if I took my meds or not, based upon if I walked out the door toward the car. Driving triggered feelings of anxiety if I hadn’t taken my meds yet.
It was a for sure fire bet to know.
Walking to my car “oh I guess I did not take my meds, let me go back to take them”
I hope it’s not a sign of needing medication, just that you’re getting more dopamine.
Meds effect me quickly. And Leave my system quickly.
Just the way it is with me
It definitely is a sign of needing meds
And imo a good thing
Can’t afford to skip a dose
I’m not sure, with me… hopefully it’s not needing them.
What does Wym mean?
Never skip or miss doses.
I do on so many levels. In the evening I take a med that makes me really sleepy and ready to fall asleep, plus I take pain meds, In the morning I take a water pill and more pain medicine. So if my pain is tolerable and my ankles aren’t swollen sometimes I forget morning meds.
Wym what does it mean??
Just kidding
It means. “What do you mean” ???
It’s all good. No worries here
I’m not up on all this internet communication. Never spent very much time online before I was ill.
Thanks for letting me know
If I skip a dose I gradually get worse. At first I get agitated/angry and very irritable. Then if I continue not taking meds I will have illogical nonsense thoughts and I would have inappropriate emotions like random crying and inappropriate behaviors like OCD etc Then if I continue not taking meds I will start experiencing paranoia and positive symptoms which finally lead to psychosis.
I sometimes forget to take my meds. I personally don’t notice anything different. When I forget at night sometimes I take them the next morning or whenever I remember.
That’s probably a really good sign.
I always remember to take my medication, haven’t missed a dose yet. Maybe would be good if I did.
My meds have a half-life of four days but I start to get a bit delusional at the end of the day when the time comes to take them. When I start to think I am faking the illness, anything to do with the government or being targeted I know it is time to take them. Also I become much more irritable and anxious as well as more autistic thinking when they wear off.
With my antipsychotics I’ve never experience that, but they all have long half lives, so after 1 day has passed there is still a lot of it in my system. Even if there is a day were I missed a dose completely and then took it the next day I was fine.
However with Effexor, it has a short half life, if I missed a dose by more than 3-4 hours I knew it. I started having “brain zaps” from withdrawal.
With olanzapine I’m eye wide awake in bed then realize I forgot. Tho it does take awhile afterward taking it that I feel sleepy. But I’m on Zoloft as well that’s been screwing with my sleep.
What dose are you on? I’ve just slept eleven hours on 5mg Olanzapine
15mg but I combat the dozzieness with caffeine. The ad helps but I’ve been taking it on the pm and they say it messes with melatonin so I’m gonna start taking it in the morning.
I take my Zoloft first thing in the morning
Ya I can’t for the life of me remember if the doc said am or pm but label says once daily…thinking they’d be more specific.the olanzapine label says bedtime so they do label that way sometimes. Doctors trying to make me a hoot owl?
I take my Olanzapine at 4pm so that I’m less drowsy in the morning.
Seems to work and helps with sleeping.