Can’t get my mind off you

Tw: some sexual lyrics


Wow very good! :cactus:

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Thank you :pray: :blush: @Ribbon

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I can’t listen to music except Pandora. Sorry bud.

I think the moment you realize sex is just jacking off in style your sex addiction will go away. I’m not able to fathom what it’s like to have a sex addiction when you don’t have sex.

Damn dude wtf are y talking about


Nice job @Jonnybegood . You seem to be in a creative streak

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You say this all the time and it’s so dumb.

I think this is just the way you convince yourself it’s okay you’re not getting laid.


How is it different? You get sensations and orgasm. Which is the same as what…

I’d rather not get laid than be in a marriage. Period. Full stop.

Not the same sensation and definitely better with a partner or partners.


I think everyone here would be in agreement,

With the exception of you.

And you don’t have to be married to get laid so I don’t even know what you’re talking about there.


Just cuz I said “trigger warning sexual lyrics” doesn’t mean the whole songs about sex.
I had it last week and it was enjoyable. Viagra may be necessary on my meds. But doesn’t take away from the experience

The song is nothing much about sex. It was actually about this board. I was spittin tho.

Plz don’t spam my thread with nonsense


I once had a Mormon Bishop tell a class full of people in sexless marriages something that’s stuck. He said even the guy having sex with Angelina Jolie is like having sex with a couch eventually. That raises the question what’s better a stale married sex life or somebody who looks at different porn everyday. Same results happen - sensations and orgasm. So I pose to you the question who has a better sex life?

Does the porn get off in turn? To you, I mean.

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This is getting good now

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How is it not the same sensation? Does lotion not feel like a wet vagina?

I won’t spam the board arguing with you about something stupid.

Your argument is ridiculous.

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Whatever you say…


You gotta stay calm man.

Wtf are you talking about fac…

You right. You’re not worth the energy….