I know someone that recently was diagnosed with psychosis and they have a history of an std. What are the chances of mental illness being brought on by the std? He says it might not, but I think it might.
From everything I know I would Say definitely not
i read somewhere that there might be a connection, maybe stds can cause an immune response or inflammation in the brain
I had to ask, because I’m a worry wart and I want my friend to be informed. Maybe he can discuss this with his doctor.
Syphilis might, since it affects your brain in the long run, but not sure I ain’t a doctor so I might be wrong.
I don’t think anyone really knows what causes it. But in my case it seems mine is genetic as two siblings also have it.
Maybe someone could do a poll and see how many on this site have had an STD ,not sure how many Would be uncomfortable saying ,I don’t think it’s a big deal as it could happen to anyone. I don’t know how to do a poll
Good idea. But people might not want to tell. I also would like to know. Also it’s good education on the subject.
Untreated syphilis will eventually lead to dementia, as it did in Al Capone (the only famous case I know of), but it will not cause schizophrenia/psychosis as far as I know.
HIV/AIDS in its advanced stages can also lead to dementia.
which std did he have?
He had or has Syphilis. He has gotten to a point where meds don’t help him much. And he’s too embarrassed to ask anyone about this.
syphilis is curable with antibiotics i think, once he’s cured there shouldn’t be an issue, right? kind of an uncommon illness for this century, still it can happen.
I really worry about him. He’s my best friend. He’s getting treated, but his was a late stage.
one of the symptoms of this is psychosis
Untreated Syphlis can lead to psychosis especially during late stages.
I’ve never heard that or read that. It’s got to be the funnest way to get schizophrenia if it’s true though.
catching an std is fun? theres definitely a rush in the beginning, but later in the process, well, youre just ill
Just a joke…
and a funny one at that, i didn’t mean to pick your humor apart. i have a sense of humor and im sure plenty of others do too