Can someone teach me calculus?

Yeeee :confused: :frowning:

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I can teach you Philosopher’s Calculus.

2 + 2 = fish


3+3=8 too!!’ :slight_smile:

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Just insert things you want to know the result and it will give you the result, plus a visual when that’s the case.

2 Likes is great. Easy to follow lessons.


I’ve studied calc there to 100% completion

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I could try and help. I just aced calc 1 last semester. Do you want some practice problems from my textbook?

Yeah sure why not

Thus is just finding limits by reading a graph.

Here are some more. I’m only giving odd number questions because those ones have the answers in the back of the book.

I took pre-calculus my senior year, and I failed every test lol. I am not mathematically or scientifically gifted.

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No one is. It’s a learned trait.


Yeah, I agree. When people say they are naturally good at something, what they really mean is “I found this activity fun enough that continuing to practice it to the point I actually became good seemed fun to me and not like real work”

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I think people have better natural abilities in some areas as compared to others. For example, some people are naturally gifted at drawing. I am not one of them, and no amount of drawing classes will change that or enable me to be very good at drawing.


i remeber calculus, i forgot most of it because i never used it in real life.

At school I was one of those that if I didn’t find a subject quite easy I’d become disinterested, and make little effort. That was very much the case with science subjects . I’m more interested in science now than I ever was as a teenager.

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