Can smoking improve negative symptoms?

I am not sure whether I have simple schizophrenia but still asking if I do

I smoke a lot. Think the nicotine keeps me mentally sharp.

Sure there are probably more healthy ways, but I am addicted and not interested in giving it up at the moment

As to your Dx, let the doctors sort it out

I tried to deny my depression for a few months, and I crashed badly. Don’t let your pride get in the way

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Smoking used to help me take my mind off the symptoms. But ever since my symptoms got much better I was able to cut back on smoking and I feel ok.

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What symptoms did you have?

I sure hope you’re asking your doctor that as no one here can answer that question for you.


Up until my last episode I struggled with negative symptoms like alogia and anhedonia and avolition. But for some unknown reason they got much better now.

Yeah my negatives are much better since last episode to.

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How many episodes have you had?

I enjoy nicotine. It helps me. Only downside is the horror stories you hear about smoking. If I’m gonna smoke I’m gonna at least enjoy it.

No I don’t think so. I think it’s a dangerous and unhealthy coping mechanism. Like using street drugs to fight depression

No. The answer is Definitely no

I’m not sure.
I think it’s an unhealthy coping mechanism.

So I would say no.

3 episodes and some minor breaks in between. After the second episode I came down with depression. It went away after the third one, and so did most of my negatives. Weird.

Yeah same happened to me after fifth.

It seems to help , yes. Not encouraging anyone to smoke though. Very bad for you.

Nicotine increases dopamine which may worse your psychotic symptoms

In some ways temporarily, and some ways no.

Back when I smoked I never found that my negative symptoms got better by doing so. Eventually caffeine stopped working too.

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