OK, Look I know a lot of people have told me that I look OK.
A therapist I am going to is totally into me. But lately I have been observing something. And believe me this is true…I see that the Girls are totally avoiding eye-contact and I can see that there is a deliberate attempt on their part to ignore me (as If I dont exist).
To give you some examples:-
a. There is a girl in my office who stealthily looks at me and I thought that probably she likes me. So one day I goto her during a coffee break and tried talking to her and she was looking here/there/everywhere except my eyes and then she hastenely dissapeared. I caught her again in lunch and tried talking to her and she just looked at me and smiled and then avoided me.
There was a therapist I was going to before meeting my current therapist. We (me and she) had two sessions and then all of a sudden she called off the therapy session with me for no explainable reason…I was never rude to her or said anything wrong to her…the explanation I was given was that the therapist was not available ONLY for me anymore and that she was off to her hometown to meet her family (which was a lie) because the next week I tried to goto that clinic I saw her dissappear after seeing me.
This morning I was smoking outside the campus and there was a girl (Atleast I kind of liked her attitude)…she was smoking too:)…and then again I saw her in the afternoon…She just glanced at me and the next moment I see (when I thought I could talk to her)…Voila…She’s gone…dissapeared…completely.
And then today at lunch when I was eating it I saw a girl who was looking at me…and then I caught a glance at her and …VOILA…She completely avoids eye contact with me…
Can anyone tell me whats going on here?