Can a paranoid schizophrenic have Relationships - Jordan Peterson

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My ex husband had a history of schizophrenia and he never told me about it his whole life. He kept it top secret. I found out about it by reading his medical records. He still will not admit to it. Before I knew about his diagnosis, I had a baby with this man, not knowing that I myself was sza as well. My baby grew up to have schizoaffective/paranoid schizophrenia diagnosis and took his own life eventually at the age of thirty. It is pure cruelty to keep a diagnosis of sz or sza from a potential lover. Because it could affect their decisions on whether they want to make a life with you and that includes the decision to have children. If I had known that my ex husband was sz, I never would have had a baby with him. Period. If I had known I was sza, I would never have gotten pregnant. Period.

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