I tried coming off my kemadrin (procyclidine) last night and today. Discussed it today with my doc - he didn’t have a problem with doing that. Anyway just went cold turkey.
Big mistake.
Whilst waiting for my bus home from the clinic I got real bad paranoia. Then 3 council employees where near. Was certain they were surveiling me. Anyway they leave then straight after a lady parks across the street and walks across to stand just behind me. She seemed to be acting like she had a purpose being there.
This on the back of the council workers freaked me to my core. Easily my worst psychosis in ten years. I couldn’t believe this was coincidence - my condition doesn’t let me believe in coincidence. Distraught I left the scene. When I got home I ran to my medicine cupboard and took one kemadrin.
Since this episode I have been majorly tired. The emotional burden of this experience has floored me. Feel so bad. Am not going out again. Not with ‘coincidences’ like this.
It was so painful though. Honestly I am certain they had a camera trained on me. I hate this ■■■■. Have a housing meeting scheduled for Wednesday. Don’t know what I am going to do about that.
Are you on an ap as well as procyclidine? I say this because I was prescribed both together in the past. The anti psychotic helped my symptoms and the procyclidine was for the side effects of the ap.
Hey @everhopeful still feeling real bad but have stopped pulling hair for now. Just sort of twiddling it. Face and groin hurt though - kinda had a bad episode last night. Apologies
I’m having a similar experience with Seroquel. I found out that it causes cataracts, so I decided to get off it. My vision has been really blurry lately. I didn’t take it last night, but when I thought about going out and facing the world this morning I took my morning Seroquel. I too get a rebound effect when I come off an ap. What happens isn’t good. I need to talk to a pdoc about this, but I won’t have a chance to do that for almost a month. I might try to find a replacement for the Seroquel, but I don’t want something that dulls my mind too much.
I have learnt a hard lesson that quitting meds cold turkey is very unwise. Still feel bad - won’t be leaving the flat today. But going for my depot tomorrow. Maybe feel better after that.
I came off it thinking maybe I could handle any extra pyramidals without it. Tbh I didn’t notice a return of any movement stuff when I came off it. But my mental wellbeing fell off a cliff. Not sure why.