Calling all DND nerds!

I have a DND session tonight and I want to reveal my secret trinket to the party. It’s a gold colored wooden whistle. But I don’t know how I should make the big reveal or what it should do beyond being a whistle. Like what kind of flavor I should give it. Also we are getting ready to go into battle but its flavor doesn’t necessarily have to be battle related.

Im a wood elf ranger btw. And I also have a mastiff as an animal companion.


OOO that sounds so fun!

I wish I could give you advice but I don’t know much about DandD other than the fact that I’ve always wanted to play it.

Have fun Miss Bittercat! :blush:

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It is so fun especially when you have a good group of friends playing. If you want to play I suggest getting online and finding a party to join.

Ps. I’m a non-binary Bittercat. I like Idv. Bittercat instead of Miss Bittercat☺️

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I was in a DND group way back before the internet came out and we got together at someone’s kitchen table and played it using dice and books. We kept track of our characters, their weapons and spells on plain old paper. It was a fun time for a group of nerds!

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Can the whistle transform your mastiff somehow?

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Not much has changed. The only difference is we play on Discord (we all live far away from each other). And also I keep tabs of my character on a digital pdf. I still write notes by hand and roll physical dice though.

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Hmm. I don’t know what he could change into. Maybe he could walk upright, to impersonate a Gnoll. We’ve been fighting lots of Gnolls.

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D&D is fun. I hope you have some great friends to play with. I don’t have friends to hang with but if I did I’d force them to play it with me. :joy::joy:


Haha! I do have good friends to play with fortunately.

Imagine we could play a campaign via the forum. I’d join your campaign.

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I love DND but never had people to play with. Owned more than half the available 3.5 edition hardback manuals when I still lived in a house before I had to sell everything. I just loved the art and the lore. I also read about 8 of R.A. Salvatore’s novels and Baldur’s Gate 2 is my favorite video game of all time.

One of these days I’ll play a real game with real people lol.

Sorry, I don’t have a suggestion on how to reveal the whistle, but I think it’s really cool that you are gonna integrate it into the session.

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Same. It’s so magical to read about all of it and even more so when you get to create the story.


The dungeon master must be amazing for the game to be good. Thems are talented peeps.

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Yes, I remember our dungeon master was very good.


Update: we didn’t end up going into battle until the very end of the session so I have a week to figure out what I want my trinket to do

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Use it to summon bats or wolves who are wearing top hats and red socks. :joy::joy::joy:


8 spiders with 8 keys to unlock the mystery door one has to use this potion. To conjure up the correct spider.or the door will not open.


I used to play D&D but I switched to pathfinder.

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I’ve never played pathfinder. Sounds like fun though. Is it a storytelling game?

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It’s basically DND but with a little differences. I just am not a fan of wizards of the coast anymore. So I boycotted it.

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I like playing halflings, lots of fun.

Hope your reveal went well.

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