I just recently downloaded call of duty mobile, it’s super fun, has anyone else played it?
Its hard to play with touch screen for me. I prefer playing with a mouse so I play on PC.
Most people don’t know this but you can connect a controller, I get 1st every match, only problem is you have to use touch screen to get into match but once your guys in the match the controller starts working.
Must be Android 10 to connect dual shock.
Oh nice, via bluetooth?
Yep Bluetooth
Idk what console your on but I know if you have PS4, search Bluetooth devices on Android, hold down share and PS middle buttons, that will connect to your phone.
I play cod mobile on a tablet it’s fun, a little time to get used to touch controls buts it’s fun when I’m resting my back and just want a casual game.
I’m almost tempted to purchase a tablet, I have very bad eye sight…
But I can screen share to a tv so I think im on to a win!
Yay for technology!
How do you quick scope in games like that it must be a burden.
I connect my PS4 controller to my phone
Yo bro is your account still private I would like to discuss some things about the Call of duty game.
I’m actually not sure lol
I’ll have a quick look
I am playing this game.Is iOS and Android cross play?
Do you need a controller? I mean how would the controls even work on a phone if you didn’t have a controller?
I’m probably gonna download it to claim the reward from the Cold War beta, but I wasn’t planning on playing it, I know very little about it.
It’s touchscreen, hardly anyone knows you can connect a controller
I’m not sure tbh, I hope so would make for faster match making
Hot damn! That’s pro
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