Caitlyn Jenner says stop bullying today!


Moved to Diagnosed.

(Wearing moderator hat)

Was bullied during secondary school,it affected me much

Mild bullying/teasing at prep school(8-13) but the really bad stuff was at public school(8-13) . Nothing physical but psychological/verbal. Has affected me for over 40 years and definitely a trigger for the paranoia and social anxiety.
It is sad that in the 40 years since I left school more progress has not been made in tackling the issue, and that schools still tend to turn a blind eye to/deny that bullying is an issue.

Firemonkey,have you ever talked to anyone about you being bullied during that period of time?

@Gtx1990 Mentioned it for the first time at my last appointment . The nurse practitioner who was seeing me was quite blasé and didn’t seem to register how much it has affected me.

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Wow,clap to you that you talked about this,it’s really hard to talk about bullying especially for the victim.i think that your nurse lack empathy

I think she was trying to force a positive spin on everything and played down several things. For example the bullying and long term social interaction difficulties. It’s hard when the issues that affect you are either dismissed ,glossed over or trivialised and you feel they are not really trying to know you and your needs.
One of the biggest bugbears I have with mental health professionals is the inability to listen fully to the patient because of preconceived agendas.

I guess they did a good job. Rip @brucegenner.

There is always going to be some bullying. I also suspect that a certain amount is necessary for character development. One of the hardest things for me as a parent has been learning when to step back and let my daughter deal with it. I do sometimes help her anticipate the bullying in advance and then we memorize snappy comebacks. For example, she’s a tad overweight (family curse) and a young fellow in her class will occasionally be sure to point it out in front of an audience. The last time he called her fat, she responded, “I can always lose weight, nothing will ever change how stupid you are. When was the last time you advanced a grade without your parents making the school move you?” The rest of the class wound up laughing at him and he has learned to leave my kid alone since she is no longer easy pickings.

Dealing with bullies is a skill a person needs to learn as one invariably encounters them in management in the workplace.



Stop bullying! (And try not to rape people as well)

So if Bruce was a heterosexual man… Then he underwent this procedure… Does he still prefer to sleep with women?

I herd he still likes women…but that’s just what I herd.

None of my business. I’m not a big fan of gender reassignment surgery as I think it is enabling a serious illness, but I respect the right of people to do as they wish with their bodies so long as I’m not being handed a bill for it. I wish her success and happiness with whatever type of future relationships she engages in.


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So you would be of the school of thought that says the believe that a a female mind is literally, physically, trapped in a body of a male( or vice versa) is delusional in nature?

Yep. If you believe you’re female when you’re obviously male, you’re delusional. A delusion is believing something to be true when it can be established it is not true. Very simple.


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This is not the first psychiatric trend that is complete bollocks. I realize this is an unpopular view here, but at some point the onus is on the ill individual to cowboy up and deal with their own situation, perhaps by recognizing that they are actually male if born with a healthy pair of knackers (and the reverse for those sporting knockers). There’s also the fact that surgery doesn’t leave these poor buggers any better off:

Yes, I know I’m a hateful bigot, etc., etc. I’ll manage to live with myself somehow. :wink:


If it is a delusion it is usually a fixed stand alone delusion in that other delusional content/thinking is in the vast majority of cases absent.
A person who is transsexual doesn’t tend to think they are physically the opposite sex without proof which to my mind would be a definite marker of delusional thinking
However in some rare cases, transsexuality and psychosis/schizophrenia go together. In that situation a person may not only believe that they have the mind of the opposite sex but the physical parts too.
I know that a regular thought of mine within obsessing about the need to change sex was the thought that I had female parts. The need to change sex was very strong at one point but as I have swung from being acutely to chronically ill thoughts of changing sex have lost their obsessional quality.
This possibly suggests that what I experienced was long term obsessional psychotic thinking although it could be considered that I made a decision to temper such desires on the basis that given certain factors SRS was a very unlikely option. Certainly since being on regular antipsychotics my thoughts about having female parts have diminished .
I think with true transsexuals, whether you call them delusional or not, antipsychotics will not quell the belief of having a mind that is the trapped in the body of the wrong sex or diminish the drive for surgery.

Re the Swedish research I think there are indeed social consequences/issues of being transsexual that are not necessarily covered by SRS. However one has to ask would those consequences/issues be even worse if SRS did not occur.

There was a time when one of the best treatments for Sz was lobotomy. In hindsight we know that what occurred was nothing less than criminal behaviour. I suspect that in fifty years those doctors who mutilated perfectly (physically) healthy people through reassignment surgery will be viewed with similar dismay.

I don’t dispute that those with dysmorphia suffer anguish, but I would like for us to find a treatment that doesn’t require surgical mutilation. It’s just wrong.


Bullying is always going to be here I suggest you get over it because that’s just the way it is nothing is going to stop it, look around you in the world, in nature this is just how it is, it separates the weak from the strong.

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