To bed just after 4. Took a little while to get off. Awake about 3 hours later. Feel heavy eyed. Temptation will be to head back to bed in a couple of hours(sleep better during the day) but need to break the cycle.
How is your sleep schedule @firemonkey ?
Do you take something for sleeping?
I have troubles to get off to sleep and I wake up after two hours. Another sleep break is usually around 5am. Its awful for any kind of morning obligations.
a friend once told me he slept better when he was missing something. Might be why daytime sleeping is preferable to you.
My sleep schedule is poor. Usually bed between 12-2 and then up several hours later because I haven’t got off. Then sleep for a few hours. Then awake for a few hours and then take to bed again for a few hours(once or twice during the day). All in all I probably sleep the 7-8 hours or more but it’s just that much of it is during the day. The thing that really bothers me is that the lack of night time sleep plays havoc with my attempt to lose weight.
I have Kalms which is a non prescription ,herbal anxiety/sleeping aid . I take that occasionally. It works a little,sometimes, but doesn’t guarantee me a good night’s sleep.
Sounds almost like me. I have to take a day nap or I become sort of a monster in menopause.
I mean, its working for now, I’m not bothered with waking up every few hours but I know that a lack of sleep wouldn’t serve to my job productivity.
Do you know what causes your sleep disturbance? I used to have some racing thoughts and body’s restlessness, but it is gone along with my hyperactivity and anxiety.
Do you take some time off the TV and internet before sleep?
It really sucks, I know.
I would say an active mind(would hesitate to call it “busy”) and referred itching. The referred itching kicks in after I have been in bed a short while. I feel itchy one place scratch it and the itch transfers to another part of my body.
it happens to me to! Seriously, it is so annoying I want to rip off my skin.
Sorry for bothering you on this matter, but it feels better after complaining to someone. : )
Yesterday I slept from 3:00 pm to 10:30 pm. The day before that I think it was 1:00 pm to 9:00 pm. At least I got good amounts of sleep. On the weekend my sleep schedule tends to switch to sleeping during the day and being awake at night.