it just crashed one day and we had my sisters computer guy look at it and he said it is crashed with no way of redeeming it…so he is looking at trying to piece us together another one…sad…don’t buy used…
I blew up a brand new $600 husquavarna edger a few months ago.
Someone at the factory dropped the ball and didn’t put oil in the engine, so the engine seized.
It was a rental.
Maybe you over simplified what is wrong with it, but I feel like you should be able to get it fixed no?
Do you know what is wrong with is specifically?
That’s all I buy. Where did you get yours?
Bummer. I did that with a dodgy graphics card off wish .com . Blew up the PCIE slot on the motherboard.
I always had insurance on my rigs for accidental damage. Bit pricey each month - but at least i knew i could get it fixed if i was poor.
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