Brain rinse poem

i put my brain in the washing machine
i set to rinse
i watched it float around in there
just like a pound of mince
it was going round and round again
i thought i’d die
but it wasn’t an ordinary wash
it was in the tumbler in the sky

i took it out again and put it on the line
i set for rainbows
but all i got was rhyme
sweet wind blew all my troubles away
until it was a hurricane and then
i couldn’t stay, so i plucked it out
and then went on my way

new brain. sunshine,
wind blew some time
through my soul
i watched it blow
it blew my mind


Good poem daydreamer!

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i think its a bit like a song but i’m not sure, took me 10 mins :slight_smile:

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That was really good @asgoodasitgets :relaxed:

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