Brain disorder vs. brain disease

Are they the same thing? I prefer brain disease, I think because I have no sense sometimes. And I consider myself an intellectual, it’s just that with billions of books out there you can’t be that broad minded.

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I spent the night after I’d awakened doing some light housework. It made me feel better. Maybe sometime soon I’ll clean much more. I need to watch my weight and exercise so I can be fit to clean up and have a nice home. My pdoc once said if you want nice surroundings you’ll clean. I hated her for her ultra rationality.

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I bought knee pads so I can clean the floor on my knees pain free. Now I’ve just got to do it. It may not be totally necessary.

Well, disease for me is something external that affects an organ, such as toxins or a virus. Whereas disorder means said organ doesn’t function properly, due to some internal issue. Don’t quote me on that.


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