Borderline personality disorder

Don’t let a label define you. I think you’re a great person and we all love you! :heart::slightly_smiling_face:


Definitely one of those easier said than done type of things but very worth the effort.


Thank you! Haha :slight_smile:

I used to be really concerned about labels, but finding out that my “disorder” isn’t a medical one has really changed the way I think about neuro- diversity.

I do think it’s fun to look at the DSM and count up how many cluster B traits I actually have. When I looked in the ICD, I found Korsakoff Psychosis caused by malnutrition and honestly I think that’s a possible explanation for my “diagnosis”

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In my personal experience in the uk. The “BPD” label is given when your seen as a pain in the arse, constantly appearing at the ER, after the latest overdose or cutting.

Frankly, they are bloody sick of dealing with you and write you off.

Most need a dedicated personality disorder unit - but unless your very lucky (like i was) you got no chance.

Psychotropic medication in my opinion does not help those with BPD/EUPD. Only therapy does. You have to learn to change your outlook on life.

I spent a year in a PD unit, run by the Home Office in 1999. And lets just say it was an eye-opener x


I think BPD is very real and those behaviors you mentioned are classic to it but not everyone with the disorder acts that way either. Its clinical pictures are incredibly varied which made it hard for me to see how it affects me, because of the stigma attached to it and stereotypes like hurting yourself constantly and going to the er. Many people say its over diagnosed and that may be true but its also a very real thing that people shouldnt dismiss. Its also thought antipsychotics can be beneficial in some cases.

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I think I might have this. I get panic attacks and dysphoria and end up in the ER a lot. Certainly “emotionally unstable”. It’s been better lately though with my med cocktail.


Emotional instability doesnt have to be caused by BPD. Ptsd, ocd, panic disorder, eating disorders, can all cause it.


Yeah, I have OCD and panic disorder so maybe it’s just those.


Many of my hospital admissions involved cutting as a symptom


I dont have it, so i cant comment too much because im unfamiliar but i can relate to suicidal thoughts. I find having a purpose helps, but its very difficult to find


I know a lady with BPD that used to do my cleaning. I feel a total arsehole - but i simply could not support her anymore. Last time i saw her, she had cut the hell out of her arms.

For bloody years i was doing her food parcels, and even paying her well over the odds to-do my cleaning. I was paying her £50 an hour - in the hope that she would use the money responsibly.

But no. It all went in a crack pipe. So i had to let her go - cos she was starting to impact my own mental health.

Some people simply cannot be saved. And they will never learn.


I’m not sure that this discussion is appropriate for this forum.

We are focused mainly on Sz and Sza, with a broader psychosis focus.

I would suggest finding a BPD forum or FB group. Perhaps start one if there aren’t any that fit