Anyone like books such as ‘The Perfect Storm’, ‘Into the Wild’, (I’m sure I’m missing a lot of examples here), but, I’ll also mention the new one, ‘Into the Abyss’?
I’ve read the two former, and my bro is reading the latter.
Anyone like books such as ‘The Perfect Storm’, ‘Into the Wild’, (I’m sure I’m missing a lot of examples here), but, I’ll also mention the new one, ‘Into the Abyss’?
I’ve read the two former, and my bro is reading the latter.
The book I have slated to attempt now is a gift from My Uncle… he’s an uncle by marriage and we have a cool relationship especially bc I speak about afterlife a lot/And he’s up there in age now. Not to mention I’ve been retired for 10 years and have seen a lot of friends ‘pass’ (pass on me, but nonetheless)
anyway it’s a fiction book and it’s called ‘The Private Cathedral’.
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