Books - Boys, Kindle - Family

Books and boys go together. Or do they. What is the real etymology of books. Peek a boo. Kiss.

Bou - where in Greek. I am not against books, I don’t want to destroy them. In fact I want to read them. But compulsive computation on machines has been stopping me. The book of my father. The book of my mother. The book of my brother. Where are my family? Where is my Kindle? I have no space, neither brain space, nor flat space, for all my books. Yet I keep buying them. A library. A live ra ree. The sun. I need to buy books. I need to look after the sun. I need to make sure it keeps shining in the day. Lib ra ree. The book. My mother. These are the messages. Books contain messages. I want to read all the books. Book learning. This is what I want. Books, boobs and booze. I am grown up. I have no space. Need to get my act together and quit this lack of paper reading. Thank you.

Make a pact with yourself to not buy more books until you read what you have. Then utilize your local library instead of buying.

Pou, not Bou 666999

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