Book recommendations?

It varies…I like books with a message in it, or books that tell life stories of people, for example people from the past. But i like lots of different types of books, just not too scary. At the moment i barely read, but i do want to change that. Last book that i read was i think the Choice from Edith Eva Eger.

Where are you from?

Netherlands, but I read dutch, english or german. Where are you from?

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I’d rather not disclose.

The books I like might not be the same ones you like.

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It depends on which web browser you use, but you can usually click the star symbol to save it.

@fingolfin Thanks, that worked.

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I promised to report back. I didnt get any of the books on here, but another one. Moeder van glas (mum made of glass). The (dutch) writer tells about her mum with bipolar disorder. The good stuff - e.g. her mum did fun and pleasantly crazy things with her no other mum did. And the bad stuff - e.g. role reversal, feeling her mum was fragile and needed her daughters protection. The overall tone is positive, caring, i suspect.

I said i liked that book a while ago.

The books from here are still on my wish list for my birthday in january though! I hope to get one or two as presents, they are interesting. And i order the book recommended by @FlyingPurplePeopleMeeter to read in my new years holiday to find more strenght in faith.


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