Book on dependency

I am reading “Emotional Dependency” by Ester Novak and I like it. It’s only 81 pages. I am thinking about issues of needs and how they are met, and when there is too much dependency on others.
I wish good psychology could help with schizophrenia and it’s various manifestations.

I depend on people for my happiness. We are social creatures. Isn’t that normal?

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It’s not ideal to be too dependent for men in particular. Traditionally men are the hunter-gatherers, and need to be away from the pack for long periods of time to gather resources. That need to do work alone is still with us.

Women are very social creatures however, they seldom stray from the pack in nature.

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Concerning dependency. I am just a little upset when too many of my friends are calling frequently and I don’t have time for them all. I am new to having friends and I have to learn about handling calls. There is a healthy way of meeting other’s needs. The book is about over-dependence which becomes a problem.


Yea I see where u are coming from. We all need our space to restore ourselves. N only we ourselves know how much space that might be.

Luckily my friend from my education is very understanding about it. She’s like OK wenevr u r ready. I feel anxious to meet her atm.

Yea it’s important to b assertive about that with ur friends

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