Body hallucination?

i think my pdoc has registered that i have body hallucinations. are they rare? sometimes i feel like heavy with pains in the body…some kind of heaviness. its that kind of stuff that s happening to me :(.

I don’t know Anna. It seems you have a lot of concerns. I would just try to relax. Give it time. Things will get better but you must be patient. Take your medicine and try to do positive things.


ok,thanks astef. i was dz once with paranoid disorder,anxious disorder and depressive. is that a lot or its common when you have sz?

Yes but I don’t hallucinate. Just seriously demented lol. Try not to overthink. It took me 4 years to figure that out and now I only rarely suffer. I think I have achieved peace. You don’t want to be neurotic. That’s not really a criticism, but more of a concern I have for you. I’m not as neurotic as I used to be. Take care.

ok, thansk astefano. but my brain is in quite mess, i am afraid it ll never be fine…

I Get Tactiles … ,

Sometymes It Gets Annoying When Im Worn Out and Ready To Let Tha World Go … ,

and THEN It’s Tactiles Waking Me Up As I Slip Into A Sleep … ,

All I Can Do Is Think Of Something Different Instantly and Brush Em Off … ,

It hasn’t Been Too Annoying Lately … ,

I Have Yet To Figure Out A Type Of Personal Cure …

Jus Try To Naught Take It Too Seriously …

I think I’m one of the more insane people on this forum and I’m doing fine. I strongly believe you will get better. It just takes time. I’m starting to rewrite myself.

you’ll be alright anna it gets better - best keep yourself occupied if you can’t leave the house try find a hobby in and around the house.
We all go through a lot and have been through a lot we’re a small % of survivors that live and breathe just like the others; the only difference is people with schiz go through a lot! highest suicide rate, hospital rates & many other things can affect us but if you push through it you might happily make it as far as john nash.
Life gets much better the older you get and the better you take care of yourself you never know in a couple years time you might be working and studying at university and you might be almost symptom free.,_Jr.

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Hey @Anna1 I feel for you. The early days are real hard - especially if you haven’t found your ideal meds. Like some are saying just give things a little bit of time and as much as is possible try to not let your symptoms upset you.

Feelings in your body like the ones you described are called tactile hallucinations. They are sensations that aren’t really there. I have them. sleepoptimistic has them. A lot of us have them too. I often feel like somebody is touching parts of my body when there’s no one there.

I had tactile hallucinations when I was on Buspar. It was really weird. It seems like your main concern lately is feeling like you’re not all alone in your experiences. I hope we make you feel like you belong here. We may all be misfits, but we fit with each other!

I Feel Lyke I have Been Posting Way Too Much , All Friggin Day/Nite … ,

But I Jus Wanted To Say ,

I Lyke Whatcha Sayd …

thank you to all,really :slight_smile: i am on another french forum and i annoy them because they think there i should give things from myself to get better. but how is this happening when sometimes the only thing you can do is pacing in the house for example? well see,maybe haldol will help yes :slight_smile:

You need to separate your autistic symptoms from your schizophrenic symptoms. I used to pace, but I’ve always enjoyed it. I blame my Aspergers for it.