I always find I don’t blink enough. I know its a common symptom of SZ/SZA, but my eyes are constantly dry and blood shot. I always look stoned. It’s kind of annoying. I use eye drops occasionally but I often times forget. Also how can you tell if you have the flat affect should I just ask someone. I can never determine how or what I look like myself because its only relative to another person and if I look in the mirror alone I’ll never know. Also whats the difference between someone’s normal default expression without outside stimuli and flat affect?
My eyes are always red. Hmmm. Maybe I don’t blink enough…??
Flat affect. I have anhedonia. Nothing is fun. Nothing gives me rewards in my brain. Everything is just plain boring. But I keep activating myself and do stuff I know I liked before I got ill. Maybe some day I will feel joy again?
I’ve got anhedonia right now it’s crap
Tried taking Vitamin B-12 in the form or methylcolobamin?
Yep tried all those vitamins man. Methyl folate. Any more bio available form of every b vitamin