Blasphemy..............I guess

When I was on drugs I spent all my food money on drugs and I couldn’t afford toilet paper either. So I walked down the street to a church and asked if I could use their restroom and when I got inside I stole all their toilet paper. I’m lucky god didn’t hit me in the ass with a lightning bolt.


When I’ve been on the road before I have gone to AA meetings just for the coffee. At one meeting they had these one pound, freeze dried bricks of coffee, and I stole some of those.

Here in California we have a lot of Mexican restaurants. Almost all of them put out complimentary baskets of tortilla chips and salsa on your table but you’re supposed to buy a meal. So, yeah, when I was broke I went into one restaurant with a friend and ate a couple of baskets of chips and then walked out. We also “dined and dashed” one time.

Ya, I’ve been to AA just for the coffee before lol.

AA members know that people do this.

People used to not pass me the basket at AA because they thought I was gonna steal it…even though the only thing I’ve ever stolen before was $100 once and liquor a few times from my parents…I guess I gave off a vibe I was a thief. When really I was only there for the serenity and the search of a higher power. :wink:

I visited my aunt and her millionaire boyfriend when I was 17 in San Jose, California once and found out they had a drawer full of cocaine. I did the cocaine all summer and then when I was about to fly back I stashed about 2 grams in a small plastic unicorn box and stuck it down my pants…boy, were they pissed when I got home but I didn’t get in trouble for it. just chewed out on the phone by my aunt’s boyfriend…my aunt told him to shut up and that was the end of that…haha

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one day i hope to afford 3 ply toilet paper… :smiley:
take care :alien:


You’re reading my deepest wishes master sith :joy: :joy:

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