Was wondering if I would get denied by insurance, the state, or a company because of my illness or meds. Is it possible to be a truck driver with a severe, yet stable mental illness? If I keep it quiet, I don’t see how they’ll ever find out. I think it would be a good, easy job for me. I don’t know about the stress though. My long term goal ( years down the road) would be to drive a big rig for Monster Energy drinks. There are a ton of big rigs and truck companies in my area and I often see that they’ll train you. I’ve been seeing advertisements recently for a trucking company and they have awesome benefits. Another option would be to drive the smaller trucks like red bull has. Even cement mix trucks which are smaller than big rigs.
The odds are they will find out if you have an incident or accident – that opens your health records to scrutiny. Also, if you have lied, the company insurer may no longer be liable for the costs associated with an accident – that would transfer to you instead.
I don’t drive an 18 wheeler, but I do drive a tandem axle fuel truck part-time and a regular school bus route for two days per week. I have a Class 2 professional license with air brake and school bus safety certifications. My professional driver’s abstract is clean of any violations going back the full ten years (I’ve had one ticket for a rolling stop 30 years ago and that’s it).
My doctor who does my physical knows what ALL of my health conditions are, what meds I take, and how stable I am. He signs off on the form that I have no medical conditions that prevent me from doing my job properly. My employers also know my health conditions as I was up front with them and made it clear that I’m more worried about managing my blood sugar while driving than my mental health. I’m regarded as reliable and conscientious by both employers.
So, yes, this is possible, but I don’t think it is a good idea to hide your health issues. If you are stable and you feel you would do the job well, be open and honest about it. Your employer will appreciate it, and, frankly, we’re not going to change perceptions of schizophrenia if some of us aren’t willing to step up and go on the record about how we can have the condition and still contribute to society.
If only I had been more cognascent to my abilities at a younger age I could’ve done something driving. I used to love driving and I’m a great driver but my drug use caused anxiety while driving. Ruined those chances.
I’m 24 years old and already have had a permit for 18 wheelers. It is dangerous and you are basically driving a death machine. One small move controls the heaping mass of metal.
1 accident and or major ■■■■ up and you can never drive big rigs again. It is a lonely life and stressful with a crazy sleep schedule if you you want to actually make some money.
The only thing ive seen that by law you have to tell people about a mental illnesss is buying or selling a gun. Other than that my previous employer said she could not admit that becuase it was confidential, and i didnt even have to tell them that in the first place.
I never go more than 160km/100miles away from home. All my hops are short hops. The pay is decent and I get to go home to my family at the end of the day. In the news yesterday, three young girls died in a farm accident in my province. They were playing around a grain truck and suffocated under a load of grain. Life is dangerous and you can check out at any time.
I’m trained as a professional driver to mitigate risks. I do a proper pre-trip every morning. I’ve had special training on transporting dangerous goods. I’ve had special training on transporting students (other job). I took additional training out of my own pocket last month to make sure I hadn’t picked up any bad habits (just one minor issue that I’m already aware of and correcting for). People are at less risk from me than “civvie” drivers, and that’s a fact.
Regional sounds awesome, all the hometime. Wow that is sad that happened. Good thing you sound like a safe driver espicially since your tronsporting people on that straight truck. I would also like to do that but I have to renew my permit and take the dps exam. To lazy at the moment and a full plate.
You really do alot of stuff, work, this website. You sir, are Hi-functioning👍
if you used to love driving, and you’re a great driver - then you just need to overcome the anxiety. Its not a big deal actually - all it takes is some exposure therapy and you can be over the fear of driving.
Learn more here - its actually the easiest type of anxiety to overcome.
Here are some examples. You can easily do something similar for driving.
And - you could start right at home with virtual reality - I’m sure there are apps that can do something similar (pick a street racing app out there and Google Cardboard VR thing for your smartphone )
Hi. I was diagnosed with undifferentiated schizophrenia almost 4 years ago, and I’m now 25 years old.
I have been driving 18 wheelers for over a year, no accidents or tickets. It’s possible for the medical examiner to pass you, but you’ll need a letter from your doctor at the very least, and they’ll give you a 1 year card instead of 2 years.
If the examiner rejects you, DONT GIVE UP!!! Find another one and explain to your primary care physician or psychiatrist that you ARE a safe driver.
I think the worst part of schizophrenia is the self inflicted notion of mental inability or incompetence. When you tell yourself and others tell you that you’re disabled it’s easy to believe that lie.
Keep you’re dreams and aspirations as big as ever, especially when people tell you that you’re incapable of something.
If you know yourself and trust yourself to be a safe driver it might be better not to tell them anything, the examiners can be judgmental …holes
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