I think i’m going back to college this January. I got approved for a student loan which will help me a ton financially.
All I need to do now is find a room to rent near the college. I’ve been looking online and the rooms are expensive but hopefully I find something cheaper soon. I’m confident I will.
I’ve been to college in the past and it didnt go well. I blew all my money on alcohol. I was binge drinking every other day. I’m older and more mature now and wont do that again. I’m going to be smart with my money.
Anyone have any advice or tips to succeed this time around? I want to get good grades, eventually graduate. And hopefully get a girlfriend out of it too. I’m a short man (5’6) and have had trouble with dating. Any tips would be appreciated.
@anon54988740 - Thank you! @Pandy - My grades will be my priority, I know they’re more important than a girlfriend. I’ve just been single for so long that I cant lie, I do want to find a partner out of this. But grades come first! Thanks for the advice Pandy!
Maybe seeing if they have a disabled students program. I’ve used them often at my colleges. When I first went back to community college I went to the disabled students office. It was located in a discreet part of campus and looked like any other office so nobody knew I was a part of them. They helped me register for a class right in their office so I didn’t have to wait in long lines at Admissions & Records. They helped me pick a class and paid all my registration fees. The first year I went they even paid for my units which, at the time was only like less than $10.00 per unit. I don’t think they do that anymore. But they had counselors there.
Also, if you go through the disabled students programs they will set up accommodations for all your classes. That means you can take tests in empty classrooms with no distractions or other people, or they give you extra time on tests. I never used accommodations in all my years of school. Until now. I have three more classes to go to get my degree and they’re hard classes so I’ll do anything that helps me pass. This quarter I used a tutor for the first time. And I used a test accommodation (I take online classes now) and for the midterm we were only supposed to have 120 minutes to take it but I got 240 minutes.
Yeah, I would recommend a tutor for hard classes. My sister is really smart but she used tutors to pass her classes for her nursing degree so I used them for my current class.
Going to college is a lifestyle. If you’re going full time it will be your main focus so develop good habits right from the start. Get enough sleep for sure. Budget your time well. One thing that took me years to learn is that when a teacher says to take 10 or 12 hours a week to set aside for their class, they mean it. I always tried cramming everything into a few hours a week with bad results. But in my current class, I spend two hours a day reading, studying and doing homework. It’s a hard class and I would have probably failed already if I didn’t buckle down and crack open the books every night.
I mean you can still budget time for dating and having fun if that’s your thing, but classes and books cost money and you don’t want to blow your investment. School comes first.
Also, I should have said this already. I never have done this but studying in groups of friends or fellow students works really well. My sister had to take hard classes for her degree and she would have two or three other classmates over our house to help her study. I never did this but it’s a great way to learn-and make friends too!
Have fun. I might go back to school someday. I want to join marching band. I used to get alright grades by just doing the homework. Sometimes I would read the book for fun I find engineering interesting I think a lot of people don’t read the book and just do the homework. I didn’t have psychosis yet when I did my bachelor’s.