Bicycle season started today

I am happy because I enjoy riding my bicycle. I am wearing a mask when I ride. I am planning to ride over 3000 km in this year. Do you enjoy doing activities outdoors?


Sounds nice! I mostly crochet that’s about it for me

I used to love hiking, but now that I’m always being followed and recorded I don’t enjoy it anymore

I just got a new bike yesterday and took it for a ride this morning.

It’s about 75F/24C here.


Paging @anon99082702 !!!

It is strange you feel in that way. If you go to the nature such as a forest, do you still feel that you are followed and recorded. Long time ago in 1999 I felt in the same way that satellites were after me and I was monitored although I was in some nature in New Mexico. Later I concluded that these were just delusions. I wish you can do hiking again. It is good exercising which is good for us sz people.


I hate riding my bike but I like walking.

Walking is also good, I just enjoy riding my bicycle.

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Yes, I still feel that way when I’m in the woods. I feel that way everywhere but home. They leave me alone when I’m at home

I’m supposed to ride 2021miles in the year 2021. I’ll probably end up putting in 3,000+

This would be indoor and outdoor cycling.

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